Acton Select Board Liaisons for 2023

June 28, 2023

Every board and committee in Acton has a Select Board liaison. For 2023, here are the Select Board members and their committee assignments. The Select Board generally meets on the first and third Mondays of the month, although that schedule changes depending on holidays. Select Board meetings are held in Room 204 of Town Hall and you can attend either in person or remotely. You can find more information about the Select Board, including when and how to attend or watch their meetings, on the Town of Acton website.

Jim Snyder‐Grant, Chair

Acton Leadership Group

Comp. Community Plan (Acton 2020)

Commission on Disabilities

Green Advisory Board

Minuteman Regional School Dist.

Planning Board

Senior Tax Relief/Taxation Aid Comm

Sidewalk /Transportation Advisory Comm

Volunteer Coordinating Committee

Fran Arsenault, Vice-chair

Acton Community Housing Corp.

Acton Housing Authority

Acton TV

Agricultural Commission

Board of Appeals

Board of Assessors

Cable Advisory Committee

Economic Development Committee

Historical Commission

Historic District Commission

Human Services Committee

Dean Charter, Clerk

250 Committee

Acton Concord Emergency Comm Ctr. BOD

Community Preservation Committee

Conservation Commission

Council on Aging

DPW Facility Study Committee

Design Review Board

Dog Park Committee

Kelley’s Corner Steering Committee

Alissa Nicol, Member

Acton Memorial Library Trustees

Acton Nursing Service Advisory Comm

Acton Water District

AB Cultural Council

Board of Health

Cemetery Commission

Health Insurance Trust

Land Stewardship Committee


Water Resources Advisory Committee

West Acton Citizens’ Library Trustees

David Martin, Member

53 River St Master Plan Comm

Acton Leadership Group

AB Reg. Dist. School Building Comm

AB Reg. Dist. School Committee

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission

Finance Committee

Open Space Committee

Recreation Commission


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