A wonderful thing happened upon Acton’s receipt of a Stanton Foundation Grant in 2021 to design a Dog Park: all the proponents interested in revitalizing the 348, 352 and 362-364 Main Street parcels got together and collaborated. The Dog Park Committee (348 Main), the Senior Park Committee (352 Main) and the Acton Housing Authority (McManus Manor, 362-364 Main) attended each other’s meetings, consulted town staff and committees, met with each other’s hired professionals, and shared the surveys and plans they were developing. A decision was made to work together to create the “Main Street Campus,” with the goal of linking these very visible parcels seamlessly together. Aesthetic and functional elements planned for the Dog Park will be carried over to the conceptual design for the Senior Park, and walkways will connect the properties. From day one, it was understood that the Dog Park needed to provide space for a portion of McManus Manor’s septic system, and the septic requirements were included in the Dog Park design. It was later modified to link to a sewer design, made possible by Acton applying for and being awarded funding for a sewer extension to 362-364 Main Street.
At this time, McManus Manor has their housing design completed and funding in hand. They are awaiting the results of a second round of Request for Bids for the Sewer Extension Project. The first round came back with two bids that were over budget. The Town did some specification changes, rebid the project, and is awaiting results.
The Dog Park Committee has a completed design and recently reevaluated their funding in hand. It is a highly leveraged project, with $250,000 in grants from Stanton Foundation, a $25,000 construction match from 2021 Town Meeting, $40,000 in anticipated private fundraising from Friends of Acton Community Dog Park, and $4,000 in annual maintenance budget allocated from dog license fees.
Inflation and unanticipated expenses have resulted in a need for additional funding. Due to state requirements, the Dog Park needed to invest in a storm water management survey and development of a plan that includes appropriate drainage structures. With the rising costs of municipal project hiring, hourly rates have risen on the state’s prevailing wage charts. As for residential projects, the cost of building materials has also increased. Input gathered from Town board and committees advocated for accessibility features that must be included to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. Modifications were also made in response to input from the Design Review Board and to foster sustainability. Due to these factors, the project cost estimate needed to be adjusted upward, and the difference is $100,000.
The Dog Park Committee applied for $100,000 from the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) and was recommended for full funding. The Select Board and the Finance Committee have voted to recommend the Community Preservation Act appropriation of $100,000. At Acton’s Town Meeting on May 6 to 7, voters will consider the appropriation as part of Article 9 – Community Preservation Program – “K. Acton Community Dog Park” for $100,000.
The Friends of Acton Community Dog Park was formed in 2021 to support the design, construction, and maintenance of Acton’s Dog Park. They will soon be registered as a non-profit organization and welcome participation and energy to assist in their mission. They can be reached at friendsacdp@gmail.com.
Cathy Fochtman was Acton’s recreation director from 2006 to 2019. She is chair of the Friends of Acton Community Dog Park.