Music comes to new Windsor Green patio

September 27, 2024
A man, from the back, wearing a baseball cap and a vest plays a black flute. The audience, in lawn chairs, is in the background.
Liquan Luo plays the bawu, a Chinese reed instrument, at the Windsor Green music festival. Photo: Harry Luo

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon on September 15. A long-awaited, postponed by the summer heat, music festival of the Windsor Green Acton Housing Authority played out at the half-shady and half-sunny back patio, which was built in 2023 and funded, along with equipment, by a Creative Placemaking grant from the state. About forty people attended the event, most of whom were residents and their families and friends.

A group of people clapping. People are sitting in lawn chairs on the grass.
An appreciative audience applauds. Photo: Harry Luo

Resident Gary Barbati produced the event and provided a sound system and mixer. Performers sang traditional Chinese folk songs and played ethnic instruments such as bawu (a free reed), hulusi (a gourd flute) and erhu (a Chinese two-stringed fiddle). The simple and rather rustic melodies from these instruments intrigued the audience. Seventy-nine year old Shanda Zhang and his yoga teacher Ms. Zhang danced in duet to a rumba tune.

A wonan stands behind a game table on an outdoor patio
Acton Housing Authority Director Melissa Bible shows off the new patio at Windsor Green, with its umbrella tables, accessible planters, and a year-round outdoor ping pong table. The patio, as well as improvements to the indoor common space, were funded with a state Creative Placemaking grant. Windsor Green public housing has primarily elderly residents, and some younger adults with disabilities. Photo: Franny Osman
Four older Chinese people stand under a small tent. A man in a blue shirt is seated off to the side playing a T-shaped instrument (with the shorter section in his lap) with a bow.
A chorus performs Chinese songs accompanied by an erhu (a two-stringed fiddle). Photo: Harry Luo

Gary Barbati and Patricia Sardella sang and played guitar to American popular and folk songs through the decades, bringing back excitement from the good old days. Performers were applauded at the end of every piece. Before the end of the festival, residents were already proposing the time for the next event and discussing whether guest performers and audience could be invited.

A woman and a man are standing under the tent getting ready to sing. The woman is adjusting an acoustic guitar.
Patti Sardella and Gary Barbati sing American folk songs. Photo: Harry Luo


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