Acton Town Election: Meet the Candidates

April 1, 2024
Candidates Forum Poster
Candidates Forum Poster Graphc: Acton Area League of Women Voters

This year’s  Acton Town Election is Tuesday, April 30 when voters will  choose members of town boards and committees and vote on whether the town can bring a $6.6 million tax override to Town Meeting on May 6. 

For good reason, a lot of the town’s collective oxygen is being spent on the override, but this year there are key positions at stake and the people who hold them will have to carry the town through the results of the override’s failure or success. The Select Board has one opening, and only one candidate. That’s the same for Town Moderator, two positions at the Water District and a Library Trustee. The one competitive race is with the School Committee where three people are running for two seats.

Because of that competitive race, the League of Women Voters is sponsoring a School Committee candidate forum on Wednesday, April 10 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall Room 204. The forum will stream on Acton TV’s cable and YouTube channels. It will also be available for rebroadcast. Voters can ask questions ahead of time using a Google Doc. They will also be able to ask questions during the forum. 

Acton Exchange gave all of the candidates an opportunity to give a short summary about themselves so that voters can know what they stand for. 

Benjamin Bloomenthal – School Committee

Ben Bloomenthal
Ben Bloomenthal Photo: Courtesy of Boston Medical Center

Having called Acton home since 2010, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing our town’s growth firsthand. With over two decades of experience in government finance, I bring a seasoned perspective to the table, understanding the intricate balance between fiscal responsibility and investing in our children’s future.

My commitment extends beyond numbers; it’s about ensuring that our schools thrive as nurturing environments where every child can flourish. As a parent and a professional, I recognize the importance of educational programs to meet the diverse needs of our students. I will advocate tirelessly for policies that prioritize wellness, equity, and engagement.

With a collaborative spirit and a dedication to transparency, I pledge to engage with parents, educators, and community members to shape a vision for our schools that reflects our shared values and aspirations. Together, let’s build a brighter future for Acton, where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Jason Fitzgerald – School Committee

Jason Fitzgerald
Jason Fitzgerald Photo: Holly Fitzgerald

My wife, Holly, and I moved to Acton, in 2001, choosing to raise our family here because we understood the impact a school system has on families and, in turn, the community. Now, with students at Douglas Elementary, RJ Grey, and two in the high school, I see how their success is directly connected to the district’s success, and understand the necessity for ensuring the school district is supported. Unfortunately, these are challenging times for ABRSD. There is a deficit in the operating budget, and a large tax override is needed to sustain the schools. I am committed to meeting the needs of every student in our wonderfully diverse student body, and we must do so in a way that brings stability, which our teachers deserve, and an environment where all our students have the opportunity to thrive. I offer a fresh perspective that will seek solutions with conviction, honesty, and integrity. Values that are needed to ensure the beneficial connection between the schools and community continue to be one where that makes our community a wonderful and desirable place to live and raise a family.  

Please vote for Jason Fitzgerald on April 30th.

Andrew Schwartz – School Committee

Andrew Schwartz
Andrew Schwartz Photo: Andrew Schwartz

Hi, I’m Andrew Schwartz. I am the proud parent of four boys in the district and honored to be an elected member of the Acton Boxborough School Committee. I believe that we are at an incredible inflection point for learning and want to help ABRSD continue to be a place where our kids can thrive. Our family – me, my wife, kids and dog – have lived in Acton for the past six years. I am originally from Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. 

Professionally, I am the Director of Metaverse Engineering at Nike. My background is in strategic consulting, but really it is in finding solutions to nagging problems. I’ve owned my own businesses, established and run Innovation Labs for Fortune 5 companies, been an advisor for startups, worked in the agency world and consulted with healthcare, financial services, entertainment and non-profits. 

 As a current member of the School Committee, I recognize the importance of this election. The way that schools contribute to our lives has changed in the past few years. They are more than just where our kids learn math and reading, they are where our kids learn to become full people.  Schools are the center of the community. They connect us, they make us stronger, they build our future.

When our schools work, they give our kids a love of learning, the tools to explore their curiosities and an environment where they can grow in incredible ways. The School Committee works to create the foundation for those results. I believe Students, Parents, Administrators, Teachers and Staff are partners in creating great learning environments. I am thrilled to be a part of this organization, and feel like there is still work to be done. I ask for your vote.

Jo-ann Berry – Moderator

Jo-Ann Berry
Jo-Ann Berry Photo: Lou Genovese one27photography

My purpose in running for Town Moderator is to help make Town Meeting efficient and fair.  The annual and special meetings of our legislature are open to all registered voters who attend.  While many people find this deliberative, conscious effort of practicing democracy outmoded and the barriers to it unnecessary, it is every voter’s opportunity to speak, listen, and vote for themselves on local finance, land use, and more without intermediaries. Attending the meeting does take effort and may seem a waste of time to some. However, we can hear our neighbors’ concerns and agree or disagree, and perhaps better understand the outcome of a vote. 

Over the years, there have been changes to make Town Meeting more streamlined.  These include online videos available before Town Meeting to help voters prepare, time limits on presentations and speakers from the floor, talk-to-text translation, transportation to and from the meeting, preferred seating and hand-held microphones for those with mobility issues, and clickers for voting that reduce the time for counted votes and help ensure voter privacy. 

Please vote by April 30.  I appreciate your past support and ask for your vote this year. I look forward to seeing many of you soon.

Fran Arsenault – Select Board

Fran Arsenault
Fran Arsenault Photo: Courtesy of Barrett Sotheby’s Realty

I am happy to be running for a second term on the Acton Select Board which will allow me to continue the work I  started 3 years ago–it has been a rewarding and humbling experience.  I feel that Acton is making incredible progress in becoming a more inclusive community and there still is work to do. Striving towards excellence continues to be my focus and I feel should impact every aspect of our governance and planning moving forward, along with an intentional focus on equality. My vision for Acton’s future continues to be to move the town toward one that is welcoming and accessible for everyone. Showing commitment to the town while serving on the Acton Select Board shifts one’s focus to advocating for residents while also representing the town. Finding a balance can be challenging and tricky. I would be remiss not to mention that staff on the town side have been incredible to work with. The dedication, the constant churning of ideas, creative solutions and compromises is never ending.

Examples of other Select Board duties that may not be apparent to the public have become some of my favorite events to attend: the retirement and/or promotion of our dedicated Police or Firefighters, pinning ceremonies that celebrate the promotion of a hardworking scout to Eagle and attending ribbon-cuttings for new businesses that decide to join our community through commerce. I happily liaise to 9 committees some of which ignite my personal interests: Historic District Commission, Acton Historical Committee, Agricultural Commission, Acton Housing Authority, Human Services Committee and the Economic Development Committee to name a few. Participating and observing the amount of time, work and dedication that town volunteers devote to their committee appointments is incredibly heartwarming. I am excited to be able to continue working with my assigned committees. Although my schedule shifted a bit while serving on the Acton Select Board, I still make time to continue to practice real estate, volunteer at Jones Tavern/Faulkner House and for the Boston Area Gleaners at Stonefield Farm. I humbly ask for your vote on April 30th or before so we can continue moving Acton Forward, for us all.

Eric Schlesinger – Acton Memorial Library Trustee

Eric Schlesinger
Eric Schlesinger Photo: Eric Schlesinger

I am happy to announce that I am running for a second term as a trustee at the Acton Memorial Library. My first term was full of wonderful learning opportunities, as I worked on both the Strategic Plan Action Committee (which is developing long-term goals for AML) and the Library of Things Committee. Our Library of Things is a particular point of pride, as we secured funding, began purchasing requested items, and have been rolling things out to the community. In addition to serving as a trustee, I am a library volunteer, frequent patron, and parent of children who use the library weekly. This allows me to bring an important perspective to my fellow trustees. Thank you for considering voting for me for the Board of Trustees at the Acton Memorial Library.

Erika Amir-Lin – Water District Commissioner

Erika Amir-Lin
Erika Amir-Lin Photo: Stuart Amir-Lin

I am running for re-election for a third term as Water Commissioner. I have lived in Acton for eleven years, I currently work as a hydrogeologist, and I have spent my entire twenty-year career working in the earth sciences. I also volunteer as president of the board of the Nagog Treatment Facility in North Acton. I enjoy applying my professional knowledge to the goals and projects of the Acton Water District and working with the other two Commissioners in planning for the future of water supply in our town. During my six years on the Board, we have guided many vital projects including the District’s initial and ongoing response to PFAS, investment in new treatment and distribution infrastructure, commissioning of our new solar arrays, and the purchase of 549 Main Street to protect Acton drinking water. 

The Acton Water District is charged with serving safe and reliable water to the residents of Acton. In fulfilling our purpose, the Board must tackle many new challenges in the coming years. I am ready to be part of that effort and help guide the District into the future. I very much look forward to continuing to serve the people of Acton.

Bill C. Mullin – Water District Moderator

No response received.

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Polls  are open on Tuesday, April 30 from  7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Acton has one polling location this year, at the RJ Grey Junior High gymnasium on Charter Road. For assistance with transportation, please contact the van dispatcher as soon as you can, at (978) 844-6809. 

Miriam Lezak is an Associate Editor for the Acton Exchange.  Lori Cooney is the Voter Service Chair for the Acton-area League of Women Voters. 


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