Jody Harris

Astronomy in the Park

November 17, 2024
Under a quarter moon, Astronomy in the Park, hosted by Acton Conservation Trust (ACT), drew over 120 stargazers and astronomers, including many children. Despite the ever changing cloud cover, it was a warm and beautiful night to be outside on the fields of NARA Park. We observed Saturn…
A group of people standing in the woods with dappled sunlight.

Acton Conservation Trust Fall Community Service Day

November 2, 2024
Acton Conservation Trust ‘s (ACT) 2024 Fall Community Service Day volunteers worked in the 176 Central Street Conservation Restriction (CR). A conservation restriction is a “legal agreement that prohibits certain acts and uses while allowing others, on private or municipally-owned property in order to permanently protect conservation values…

Mushroom forage in the Town Forest

October 4, 2024
On September 29, Acton Conservation Trust held a Mushroom Forage with Boston Mycological Club (BMC) at Wills Hole/Town Forest. They welcomed about seventy-five people to this joint event. After a few introductory remarks, people took to the woods, looking for all manner of fungi. Right off the parking…
Birders, sharing woodcock information

Woodcock Watch

April 12, 2024
If you were driving on Littlefield Road in Boxborough on Monday, April 1st, you may have noticed twenty or so people sitting in the Rolling Meadows field. Not an April Fool’s Day joke, but an Acton Conservation Trust (ACT)  woodcock watch! What happens on a “woodcock watch”? Around…
Trackers examining evidence on the ground and on a fallen tree of otter visits.

Winter Tracking Walk

February 7, 2024
Adapted by Franny Osman from an article by Jody Harris written for Acton Conservation Trust The last snowfall had been a week before, but as temps all week were low and skies gray, the woods still held plenty of snow for tracking the animals who make their home…


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