Tom Beals

a pie chart with colored segments; the segments are labeled with town department names

Acton Town Meeting: Town Budget articles pass with ease

May 7, 2024
Article 4: Town Operating Budget The Town Operating Budget, as its name suggests, pays the town’s expenses for the upcoming Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. Those expenses include familiar town services such as the Fire Department, Police, and libraries; those services, and their proportions, are shown in the ‘pie’…

Other Town Meeting articles

Article 1 – Choose town officers On the first night of Town Meeting, the Town Moderator split choosing town officers into two parts, to ensure that the budget articles were discussed and voted on in a timely manner. Part one included all of the uncontested positions, which was…
Graph of spending projects from FinCom for the next several years. The projected shortfall goes from 0 in the FY 2025 to $3.38M in FY 2029 (projected).

April 29, 2024 Select Board meeting: Longer than a marathon

April 30, 2024
At the November 6, 2023 Select Board meeting, the Board approved a reorganization that created a Health and Human Services Department. At the April 29, 2024 Board meeting, Town Manager John Mangiaratti introduced Penny (Penelope) Funaiole, Director of Health and Human Services. Ms. Funaiole, who assumed her role…
Photo of an Acton Select Board meeting.

Select Board Notes, April 1, 2024: Sewer Setback Distresses Dog Park

April 12, 2024
Residents’ concerns with pedestrian safety and traffic issues led off the April 1, 2024 Select Board meeting. Mr. James Walter, Board Chair of the Infant Toddler Children’s Center on Central Street, described potentially hazardous conditions at pedestrian crosswalks adjacent to the Center, detailing those conditions in a handout.…
Photo of an Acton Select Board meeting.

March 18, 2024 Select Board Notes: Another year, another dam

April 1, 2024
In opening remarks at the March 18, 2024 Select Board meeting, Town Manager John Mangiaratti announced the appointment of Detective Ana Dapkas as school resource officer (SRO), and mentioned that the Police Academy will be offered again this year. (This reporter attended last year’s Police Academy and highly…


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