For town and school calendars, see the Town and Other Calendars page.
In person or on Zoom. Please join us for the 23rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast where Colette Phillips, President and CEO of Colette Phillips Communications, Founder and President of Get Konnected! and The GK Fund, will speak on "Bridging Communities: Reaffirming the Black-Jewish Alliance." This event is free, but donations to the CBE Na'aseh Social Justice group are very much appreciated. Register for this event at
Jan 15 - Chili and Cornbread Sponsored by Friends of Community Supper Jan 22 - Roast Pork Loin Sponsored by Faith Evangelical Free Church of Acton Jan 29 - Meatloaf Dinner Sponsored by Friends of Mike Tobia Please note that the meals we serve may contain gluten, nuts, seeds, or dairy. Doors open at 4:15pm. Please, do not enter prior so our volunteers can prepare your Supper. Parking: Park your car in the back parking lot and enter from the walkway to the church door.
Would you like to learn about alternatives to Open Town Meeting? Panel Presentation with Mark DiSalvo, MA Moderators Association. Gerri Slater, Norwood Moderator. Rob Rosenblum, Ludlow experience. Patricia Lloyd, Collin Center for Public Management. Click here to register for this Zoom seminar on February 19 at 7pm Go to the 2024 Town Meeting Report for more information: The LWV-Acton Area Town Meeting Study Report summarizes a year’s worth of data gathering, study, reflection, and debate over the options available for town governance plus current and future opportunities for increasing community accessibility and engagement. Link for more information and for Zoom link.
Please join local historians Bob Pion, Bill Klauer, and Anne Forbes discussing recent learnings of Acton’s Black residents. Black citizens were among the residents here when Acton first became a town in 1735 and several fought in the Revolution at the Concord Bridge and other New England battles.
Join West Acton Baptist Church for Thrifty Thursdays every Thursday 3-6pm! . Pop Up Thrift Shop. In the WABC Coatroom - Entrance next to the mini Food Pantry. Vintage Clothing & Household Goods.
The Friends of the Acton Libraries will hold a live and in person used book sale. Members of the Friends are invited to a preview of the sale on Friday, January 24 from 7 pm until 9 pm. While not required, face coverings while inside at the sale are encouraged. Both cash and credit cards are accepted! Be sure your membership is up to date before the big Friends Used Book Sale so you can have first crack at the great selection of used books at the sale preview. If you aren’t yet a member, you can join on Friday
The Friends of the Acton Libraries will hold a live and in person used book sale on Saturday January 25 at the Acton Memorial Library from 9 am until 4 pm. Members of the Friends are invited to a preview of the sale on Friday, January 24 from 7 pm until 9 pm. Sunday January 26 will be half price day for all, from 1 pm to 4 pm. While not required, face coverings while inside at the sale are encouraged. Both cash and credit cards are accepted! Be sure your membership is up to date before the big Friends
Join the Acton Department of Public Works and the facility project team for guided tours of the DPW building and to learn more about the project's development.
Bonfire! Human Foosball! Sledding! Dirigible Brewery! Live Music by Sara Rice! Boxborough Historical Society! Steele Farm Committee! Local Vendors and More! Park at Boxborough Town Hall and use the Boxborough Connects shuttle sponsored by the Recreation Commission!
A night of standup comedy hosted by Acton Firefighters Local 1904 featuring Dave Russo, Frank Santorelli, and Christine Bailey. The money raised will go back to the community in the form of school scholarships, assisting us with our Santa Ride and food drive and other community related events. Tickets and more information available from Eventbrite: Standup Comedy Night benefit for Acton Firefighters Local 1904 Doors open at 6, show starts at 7:30pm. 50/50 raffle and gift basket raffles. 21+