For town and school calendars, see the Town and Other Calendars page.
Theatre III, 250 Central St., West Acton, will continue its 2024-2025 season with the presentation of the play “Radium Girls” by D.W Gregory, Feb 1st through Feb 9th. Performances at the theatre will be at 8pm on Feb 1st and Feb 7th-8th, and at 2pm on Feb 2nd and Feb 9th. Tickets are $24 for general admission and $21 for seniors, students and groups of ten or more. The play is directed by Eric Roberts (Swampscott) produced by Jill Tokac (Somerville), and stage managed by Adam Conn (Maynard). It stars Elyse Barber (Somerville), Liz Chirico (Leominster), Eliya-Quaye Constance (Medford), Delaney
The Green Acton Water Committee is a branch of the local environmental advocacy organization, Green Acton. The Water Committee's interests span Acton's ponds, streams, wetlands, groundwater, drinking water, stormwater, wastewater and aquatic ecosystems. To learn more about the committee's accomplishments and ongoing work, visit The committee meets monthly, usually on the second Sunday of each month (except August), and usually in a hybrid format with options to attend either at the Acton Memorial Library 2nd floor conference room or by Zoom. To get the agenda for this month's meeting and the zoom link, email
The Acton Community Services Office within the Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with MetroWest Legal Services, will host a monthly housing legal clinic beginning in January. Housing Legal Clinic appointments will begin on Jan. 14 and will be held on the second Tuesday of each month from 4-6 p.m. at the Human Service and Senior Center, 30 Sudbury Road Rear. Before you attend a session, you must complete the following registration form, which can be found here. The program, which is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, will run until Dec. 31, 2026.
Green Acton works to protect and enhance Acton’s natural environment and resources for present and future generations, and to help resolve the urgent environmental issues that transcend Acton’s boundaries. The group meets monthly (except for August) on the second Tuesday of the month, usually by zoom but occasionally in person. To learn more about Green Acton's mission, accomplishments, and ongoing work, visit To get the agenda for this month and the zoom link, email
How have you been with all this cold weather? Please join us each week to keep warm. We look forward to sharing a meal and friendship with you every Wednesday. February 2025 Menu Feb 5 -- Spaghetti and Meatballs Sponsored by West Acton Baptist Church Feb 12 -- Chicken and Biscuits Sponsored by Mt Calavary Pre-School Feb 19 -- Amish Casserole Sponsored by Boston Metrowest Bible Church Feb 26 -- Chicken and Rice Casserole Sponsored by the Boxborough Minutemen ** Please note that the meals we serve may contain gluten, nuts, seeds, or dairy. Doors open at 4:15pm. Please, do
The Acton Exchange team holds monthly meetings that are open to our active volunteers and anyone who might want to become a volunteer. If you have an Acton connection and want to contribute to independent community journalism in our town, it is likely that the AE has a role for you, whatever your skill sets and interests might be. Each meeting begins with an opportunity to learn what has been going on at the Acton Exchange, followed by an opportunity to improve our journalism skills. Meetings are in hybrid format, with a zoom option and an in-person option. To get
Join West Acton Baptist Church for Thrifty Thursdays every Thursday 3-6pm! . Pop Up Thrift Shop. In the WABC Coatroom - Entrance next to the mini Food Pantry. Vintage Clothing & Household Goods.
The Carlisle Dance, with its accompanying potluck dinner, is known as the most sociable dance in the area. Arrive at 6:30 for dinner and conversation, and then dance from 8 until 10. Live music by the Carlisle Band, who bring an eclectic collection of instruments. Outstanding local callers call mostly contradances, plus occasional square and circle dances. Admission is just $6-10 (self-determined sliding scale) for all ages, along with your tasty and creative contribution for the meal. You'll find us at the lovely Unitarian Church in Carlisle Center on the Common. Navigate to 27 School St, Carlisle MA and look
On the third Saturday of every month (except June, which is 2nd Saturday), you can recycle your clean styrofoam containers. For details about the 2025 schedule, and what you can recycle, see