Rebecca Harvey has captured hundreds of wild animals in Acton. Wait, I mean captured on video – on her trail cameras. Trust me, no animals were harmed in pursuit of her hobby. I sat down with Rebecca on Saturday, Jan. 11 to learn more about her trail camera nature photography.

A trail camera is housed in a weatherproof case that is mounted outdoors. When its infrared sensors detect motion, usually from wildlife that enters the camera’s range, it will take a short video or image, sometimes including audio. Many trail cameras have a “night vision” mode to capture images of nocturnal animals as well.
If you go to, you can see hundreds of Rebecca’s video clips and still frames taken from her several trail cameras over the last five years. They have been curated into categories that show the variety of species and behaviors of the wild animals that inhabit our town. Some of these pictures have appeared in a previous Acton Exchange article “Acton Nature Watch” (Dec 21, 2024).
When she captures a new species for the first time, it is always an exciting moment. “The first time seeing a bobcat, I was completely stunned”, Rebecca stated. “I never expected to see a bobcat. I hit the jackpot!“
But even after bobcats became a common sighting on her cameras, she began to observe them more closely and predicted where they might go and how to capture more exciting images. Using multiple cameras in the same area, she captured video of a bobcat hunting a squirrel. As the bobcat pounced out of view in one camera, it was picked up on the next. By splicing three camera shots together she showed the whole sequence, like watching a cinematic chase scene.
Through many hours of her video observations, she noted how all animals mark their territory. She likens this behavior to humans posting on social media to let others know where they have been recently. In Rebecca’s words, “There is this incredible drama going on out there. It became like watching a soap opera. I could not wait to see what was going to happen next. I was becoming familiar with individuals and where they live and their individual characteristics.” Her passion for this hobby and her subjects is obvious.
Rebecca has a boundless curiosity and the keen observation skills of a self-taught naturalist – with a little help from Google. The goal of a naturalist is to observe, but not interfere, with the ecosystem being studied. Rebecca noted that “the trail cam takes candid images.” Trail cameras are one way to minimize human influence on the subjects being studied. But animals are often curious and, occasionally, will notice the camera and explore up close. One of her most memorable videos was the first time she captured a black bear – and it ate the camera! Recalling this incident she exclaimed, “What a photo bomb! It destroyed the camera, but it was worth it!”
All of her video observations have given her a vast knowledge of the wildlife that exists in Acton and how human activity intersects with animal habitats. She applies that knowledge to her role on the Acton Land Steward committee, and it helps inform her personal positions on new development and impact on local ecosystems.
Rebecca has lived in Acton since 1995 and is a software engineer by trade, but it was only about six years ago that her interest in trail camera nature photography began. It actually started as a domestic project to monitor her house cats as they chased mice. She set up a home security camera to catch them in the act.
Her next step came when some unseen critter was digging up the seeds in her garden. She ran an extension cord outside and set up the security camera. She “caught” the chipmunk that was stealing the seeds, but also saw an opossum amble across the field of view. “I began to realize there was a lot of wildlife right around our house,” she said. She was hooked, and her hobby began.
She took her security camera even farther away from the house and set it up using a bulky marine battery so she was no longer tethered to an extension cord. The thrill of each new species caught on video encouraged her to extend her hobby further. She bought a weather-proof trail camera that runs on standard AA batteries and was much easier to set up in new remote locations on her property that borders conservation land. Now she has several trail cameras that she monitors.

Her observations have helped her refine where to place her cameras to catch something interesting. Evidence such as animal tracks, scat (a fancy word for poop), or just a sense of where animals are likely to live or travel, all help her aim her cameras where the action is. Her advice is “consider what you are trying to capture.” She often starts with her camera aiming high to get a broad survey of the action. Then she moves the camera in closer – sometimes getting to ground level, trying to capture a close-up.
For anyone interested in trail camera photography, here are a few tips:
- To get started, use your existing home security camera, or even a doorbell camera aimed toward more wild areas of your property.
- A basic trail camera costs about $60 plus the cost of batteries. Rebecca says her batteries last a month or two, depending on the amount of action being recorded.
- Etiquette
- Never aim a trail camera where it is likely to capture people.
- Always get permission if placing a camera on property you do not own.
- Never “bait” your camera to attract wildlife.
More videos and observations, as well as technical tips can be found on Rebecca’s website at

Tom Wolf has been a resident of Acton since 2001 and is a volunteer on the Land Steward Committee.