
Backgrounder: Habitat for All and Housing Production Plan update

November 9, 2024
Acton embarked on two exciting projects this year: (1) Habitat for All, exploring how Acton can improve its current natural resource protection zoning and implement inclusionary zoning and updating the (2) Housing Production Plan, which is a community’s proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing by creating a strategy to enable it to meet its affordable housing needs in a manner consistent with the Chapter 40B statute and regulation. While each project has its unique goals and focus, they’re designed to inform and strengthen one another, creating a more cohesive strategy for our community’s housing needs. The needs assessment…
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Backgrounder: Lessons from History: Acton’s 2005 Override

January 8, 2024
A tax limit override that, if approved by Acton voters, would raise property taxes beyond the Proposition 2½ statutory limits has recently been discussed at the Select Board, Finance Committee, and Acton Leadership Group meetings. It seems likely, following those discussions, that an override will be on the…


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