Environment - Page 4

Pizza + Heat Pumps in Acton

December 13, 2024
On Wednesday, December 4, the Town of Acton Sustainability Office, in collaboration with Energize Acton, hosted a Heat Pump Pizza Party in Room 204 of Acton Town Hall to educate residents about the benefits of heat pumps as a sustainable alternative for home heating and cooling. (Yes, heat pumps do both!) The event drew approximately 130 participants, including State Senator Jamie Eldridge and State Representative Dan Sena, who joined residents eager to learn about heat pumps. The event featured presentations from David Martin, one of Acton’s Clean Energy Coaching Program coaches, and Kit Wu of the Laminar Collective, a group…
Badge icon representing Land and Buildings

State Approves Acton’s Participation in Fossil Fuel Free Building Construction and Renovation Demonstration Project

January 3, 2024
On December 22, 2023, the Town of Acton received approval from the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) approving the Town’s participation in the Municipal Fossil Fuel Free Building Construction and Renovation Demonstration Project. This approval means that beginning March 22, 2024, new buildings and major rehabilitation projects in…
A dard arrow and an outlined location on a topographic map

Planning Board Discusses Quarry Road Development Project

January 3, 2024
The Acton Planning Board convened on Wednesday evening, Dec 20, for a “continuation” hearing for a Planned Conservation Residential Community (PCRC) application for 123 Quarry Road. According to Acton’s Zoning Bylaw section 9, PCRC’s are communities with housing clustered in one section, leaving at least 60% of the…
Rushing flood waters as seen from the stream bank

Stormwater Rages Across Acton

December 21, 2023
Every fifteen minutes, 24/7, the US Geological Survey stream monitoring station on Nashoba Brook in Acton reports how much water is flowing through the brook. Since monitoring began sixty years ago, the highest streamflow ever recorded on December 18 was 99 cubic feet per second (cfs). In this week’s storm,…
HVAC mini-split unit mounted high on wall

Acton Clean Energy Coaching Program to Expand

December 5, 2023
The Town of Acton’s Clean Energy Coaching program, which launched in late winter 2023, is expanding its cadre of trained volunteer coaches. The program provides free access to coaches for residents, businesses, and organizations in Acton interested in learning about and making clean energy upgrades to their homes,…
A man adjusts an item while another man appears to hold a cell phone

Fix-It Clinic

November 28, 2023
A Fix-It Clinic was held at the Acton Memorial Library on Saturday, November 25 from 10:00 – 1:00 PM. The event attracted seventeen individuals and families with a variety of items in need of repair. These items included a clock, handbag, lighted tree, wheelchair, miniature sewing machine, miniature…
a group of people standing together

Celebrating Open Space Preservation in Acton

November 20, 2023
Members and friends of the local non-profit Acton Conservation Trust recently gathered to celebrate President Susan Mitchell-Hardt’s lifetime achievement award from Sudbury Valley Trustees. It felt like a reunion of sorts as leaders of conservation efforts in Acton from the past decades, many now retired, returned to celebrate…
A group of people around a stone marker and street sign

Acton Hosts Creative Placemaking Workshop

November 6, 2023
Last winter, when the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) was looking for two communities to participate in a Regional Trails Creative Placemaking Project , Acton stepped up. Economic and Community Development Director Julie Pierce recognized an opportunity to use art to enhance our new trails and adjacent business…
a group of people views an exibit

After Hours Archaeology Tour for Pine Hawk Friends

October 23, 2023
On Sunday, October 15, seven Friends of Pine Hawk members traveled to the Robbins Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in Middleborough, home of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society and a collection of 200,000+ cultural items. This after-hours tour of the museum was led by Greg Lott and Judi Macioci.…


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