Community - Page 2

A man in a work apron shows a group of women a piece of a flute that he's working on.

Acton makes music: Touring the world’s oldest flute-making company

March 1, 2025
On Wednesday, February 19, close to two dozen members of the Acton Woman’s Club (AWC) were treated to a tour of the Wm. S. Haynes Company. Founded in 1888, it is the oldest flute-making company in the world and specializes in professional custom-level instruments, although student, intermediate, and pre-professional flutes from the Beijing location are finished in Acton. Customers can also have their Haynes flutes repaired at the Acton facility. Haynes custom flutes, made of silver, gold, platinum, and alloys, range in price from $11,000 to $80,000. The company’s sales goal last year was $7 million. Persuaded by a friend…

Freezin’ for a Reason

February 8, 2025
A total of 60 hearty souls braved 27-degree temperatures, minus the wind chill, to take an aptly-named Polar Plunge on Feb. 1 at NARA Park, and raised $10,483.00 for the Massachusetts Special Olympics. Safety was paramount for the people climbing up to the dunk tank, with guides at…

Acton Garden Club Horticulture Hints for February 2025

February 8, 2025
“Check out stored bulbs, rhizomes, roots, corms, etc. of Canna, Dahlia, Gladiolus, and other summer flowering “bulbs” and cull any that are rotting or have shriveled beyond recognition.” * *Ron Kujawski, Berkshire Botanical Garden, January 13, 2025 “Do some winter planning this month. When the plants lose their…

January 2025 (Wolf Moon): Acton Nature Watch

February 8, 2025
December December 15: A CRAYFISH scuttles across the gravel bottom of Nagog Brook, still free of ice cover. Kyran Vig, a student at Acton-Boxborough Regional High School who monitors stream depth weekly for the Green Acton Water Committee, noticed the crustacean next to the stream gauge. Biologists at…

The Bulletin Board

February 8, 2025
The Acton Exchange team is pleased to announce that calendar events will now be shared in our online calendar. Going forward, we hope organizations will learn how to enter their own events into the calendar. Write to for more details. Volunteer opportunities and other announcements (Please send…

Open house at DPW draws curious crowds

February 1, 2025
On Saturday, January 25, the Acton Department of Public Works (DPW) opened its doors and driveways to the public for a series of tours. The tours, led by several DPW employees, allowed Acton residents to get a peek at what goes on behind the scenes to keep the…
A map of the New England coast. A yellow star shows off the coast of Maine and many little dots show where people reported feeling the quake. The dots extend from north of Portland to south of Providence, RI and west of Springfield, MA.

Earthquake felt in Acton

February 1, 2025
On Monday, Jan. 27, at 10:22am EST, an earthquake shook the seafloor offshore York, Maine, sending out shock waves that were felt throughout New England, including in Acton. For the next two days, I asked every Actonian I met if they had felt the earthquake and I asked…


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