News - Page 19

Horticulture hints

June 7, 2024
Do not drive or park on the lawn. Soil compaction by heavy equipment or foot traffic in the plant’s root zone reduces the pore space for air in the soil. Percolation of moisture through the soil is disrupted so that the desirable air/moisture balance is not maintained. Roots…

Two ball games

June 7, 2024
Silent bats spell shutout for Revs May 24, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School softball field: The A-B Rev’s bats went dormant Friday as they lost to Merrimack Valley Conference opponent Billerica, 2-0. Each pitcher surrendered only five hits on the day, but the Indians strung three together in the…
A group of men and women in Colonial garb are walking down a street in West Acton. The AB Marching Band is coming up behind them. There are folks walking alongside the parade and more watching from the sidewalk

Grateful Actonians fete veterans

June 1, 2024
A grateful town remembered its deceased veterans Monday, May 27 at the annual Memorial Day observances, held this year in West Acton under a cloudy sky. A parade composed of Scouts, the Acton-Boxborough Marching Band, and a vintage fire truck, left from Spruce Street, and then headed down…
Badge icon representing Boards and Committees

Select Board Notes 20 May 2024: Changing of the Guard

June 1, 2024
Residents concerns: The May 20, 2024 meeting of the Acton Select Board began as usual with resident concerns. A resident described his attempt, via internet search, at finding bus service in Acton; he found references to Acton Rides, Cross-town Connect, and others; and he likened his search to…
An image of a man holding a rifle and the words "Acton 250 Revolution.

“Still Here: Houses of Our Patriots”

June 1, 2024
The second event in the Acton 250 series “Still Here: Houses of Our Patriots” will be a presentation about the Nathaniel Edwards House, 328 Pope Road, on Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at the Acton Memorial Library. The speaker will be the house’s co-owner, David Hardt, who…
A police detective and a woman stand near a large stack of sealed boxes. The officer is opening one box that has been moved to a desk.

Hand Recount Confirms Override Passage

May 24, 2024
On Tuesday morning, May 21, in Room 204 of Town Hall, Acton Town staff and volunteers gathered to recount the votes of the April 30 Town Election, specifically for question 1 about the tax levy override, as the results of the original balloting were close (3191 yeses (49.94%),…
A Revolutionary-era white house with a center chimney. The main house is set on a hill and an ell on the left side has a small door that opens at a lower level.

1770s South Acton houses open on Sunday

May 24, 2024
On Sunday, May 26, the Iron Work Farm begins the 2024 season of regular open houses at their two South Acton house museums. The open houses comprise the first installment of the Acton 250th celebration of homes of the 1770s entitled, “Still Here: Houses of Our Patriots.” The…
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