(5-DEC-24) On Tuesday, November 26 the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) held a public information meeting on the replacement of the Massachusetts Avenue/Route 111 bridge across Interstate 495. About 30 people, both in person at the Grange Room at Town Hall and on Zoom, heard from representatives of MassDOT, the construction contractor MAS, and the design firm WSP.

The presenters explained that the goal of the project is a bridge (1) with a life-span designed for 75 years with fewer future maintenance and repair needs, (2) that is safer for all modes of transportation, including accessible sidewalks and a shared use path for bicycles, and (3) that sets a stage for future upgrades including accommodating connections for cyclists and pedestrians on Route 111 and potential future widening or other changes on Interstate 495.
A major goal of the project team is to minimize the construction impact on users of Route 111 and I-495. To this end, the project has been sequenced so there will be two-way traffic (one lane in each direction) on Route 111 during the entire project, and all lanes of I-495 will be open, except for infrequent off-peak rolling roadblocks.
The major part of the work will take place in 3 stages:
- Stage 1 (Winter 2024 to Fall 2025): Two-way traffic shifted to east-bound (towards Acton) side of bridge; west-bound side demolished and bridge replaced.
- Stage 2 (Spring to Fall 2026): Two-way traffic shifted to new west-bound (towards Harvard) side of bridge; east-bound side demolished and bridge replaced.
- Stage 3 (Fall 2026 to Spring 2027): Traffic on new structure; work continues to complete shared use path, other bridge elements, and project close-out work.
All MassDOT parties stated that they are committed to being good neighbors and communicating construction impacts as they occur. To this end, there is a flyer now available at town hall and the library that explains the project and its staging. Going forward, MassDOT will email progress and look-ahead reports every other week and issue a progress report newsletter quarterly.
To ask a question, make a comment, or sign up for email updates, email MassDOT at route111bridge@dot.state.mass.us.
This article is republished from the Boxborough News.