The new Stop and Shop store at 252 Main Street, Kelly’s Corner, former home of KMart, is tentatively set to open on December 13. Shelves are filling up with non-perishables while workers continue with the final details. The sign on the façade was installed this week. The parking lot is freshly paved, parking spaces are painted, and shopping cart return areas are marked. The company is looking for over seventy new employees to staff the new, larger store. They will be interviewing prospective employees at the Acton Senior Center on Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 4 to 6 p.m. As to the current store at 100 Powder Mill Road in Acton, no one is willing to go on the record as to what will happen to the Powder Mill store. Once the new store opens the fate of the old store should become clear.

Jeff Brown is Acton Exchange’s business beat reporter.