Select Board Meeting of March 4, 2024: Taking Care of Business

March 23, 2024
Deputy Chief Sammet in a fire station is pinned by his son, Jordan
Deputy Chief Sammet is pinned by his son, Jordan. Credit: Acton Municipal Monthly

Opening remarks: In the customary opening remarks to the March 4, 2024 Select Board meeting, Select Board Member David Martin noted the pinning ceremony for Deputy Fire Chief Chris Sammett, and mentioned that a planning meeting had been held for a natural meadow behind the “Red House” on Main Street.

A comical unicorn and graphic lettering
Silver Unicorn Bookstore’s poster for the Kids Graphic Novel Festival.

The Silver Unicorn bookstore hosted last year’s popular Kids Graphic Novel Festival, and bookstore owner Mr. Paul Swydan appeared to request the Board’s approval for vendor tables on Spruce Street for this year’s festival, scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2024. Mr. Swydan presented pictures of last year’s festival and outlined plans for the upcoming event. The Board unanimously approved the request.

Financial matters: The Board continued discussion of a topic from the March 4, 2024 Acton Leadership Group (ALG) meeting: the override amount and the planned proportion of the levy capacity that would actually be taxed. Mr. Mangiaratti showed a draft document that compared, for a range of assessed values, the estimated no-override tax bill and the estimated tax bill if the override passed. The Board and Mr. Mangiaratti discussed at length options for public presentation; the discussion closed without a vote.

Health care costs have been a significant factor in both municipal and school finances. The Town has chosen the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA) as its health insurer. Mr. Mangiaratti asked the Board to approve and sign contracts that will initiate Acton’s participation in MIIA; the Board voted unanimously to authorize the signatures.

In further finance and related business, previously discussed and updated fire department fee schedules were approved unanimously; and the updated charge for the Economic Development Committee was reviewed and approved unanimously.

The disposition of 19-21 Maple Street has been a multi-year Select Board goal. Three proposals were evaluated and ranked in a report issued by a review committee. The Acton Food Pantry proposal was ranked highest; other proposals included in the report were from ProEMS, an emergency response team that has rented space at the Maple Street facility for years, and from the Acton-Boxborough Regional Islamic Community Center (ABRICC). Discussion among the Board concerned existing users of the Maple Street site, and the possible ramifications of a religious organization using town-owned space. Ms. Lisa Gordon, Executive Director of the Acton Food Pantry, noted the “invisibility” of food insecurity and increased use of the Food Pantry in the last two years. The Board took no action at this meeting but expects to take further action as proposals are further developed.

Briefly noted: Mr. Rob Cogan presented a proposal to deal with the  issue of paint disposal; the Board unanimously approved support for legislative action. The Board discussed a draft document concerning Citizens’ Petitions at Town Meeting. No vote was taken. The nomination process for the Col. Francis Faulkner Sr. Award for Exemplary Volunteer Service was described and discussed, and the upcoming 90th anniversary of the Acton Garden Club was noted with the expectation of further recognition.

Tom Beals is the Select Board beat reporter for the Acton Exchange.


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