Resident concerns
Mr. Marty Benson thanked then-outgoing Chair Jim Snyder-Grant for his closing remarks as Chair at the May 20, 2024 Select Board Meeting, and reminded the Board of as-yet-unfulfilled records requests.
Select Board member minutes
- Chair Fran Arsenault appreciated the efforts of the Town Managers as well as the Recreation and Public Safety departments for the recent Fourth of July celebration.
- Alissa Nicol drew attention to a joint meeting of the Town libraries and recommended the libraries’ joint Strategic 5-Year Plan; as well as the Acton Water District’s informative Summer 2024 Water Words report that contains a 2023 water quality summary.
- Dean Charter noted the swearing in of new firefighters/EMT paramedics, as well as the passing of Bea Perkins, an Acton resident from 1963 to 1999 who served important roles on a variety of committees.
Dangerous dog hearing
On April 1, 2024 the Acton Exchange reported on a resident’s concerns regarding a potentially dangerous dog; a hearing on the matter was held at the present meeting. Chair Arsenault read relevant sections of Massachusetts law (MGL Ch 40 §157, Nuisance or dangerous dogs). Animal Control Officer Nelba Maldonado recited a timeline of incidents involving the dog in question. Residents and the dog owner testified extensively. After discussion, a motion to declare that the dog was dangerous as well as a list of restrictions (as per the statute) that would be ordered, was unanimously approved.
Use Special Permit hearing
A “Use Special Permit” for firearms dealer “Let’s Roll, LLC” was the second hearing of the meeting. A “Use Special Permit” is required for some projects that are permitted under current zoning law, but that are not allowed “as of right”. Board Chair Arsenault opened the hearing by citing relevant sections of the Zoning Bylaws that were amended for firearms businesses at the May 2023 Acton Town meeting. Applicant Jeffrey Reynolds described his business as primarily internet-based but he said that regulations required a “brick-and-mortar” location. During questioning, Select Board members established that Mr. Reynolds had satisfied all regulatory requirements including approval by Acton Police Chief James Cogan. The Select Board is empowered to require additional conditions to a Use Special Permit, and Board members asked Mr. Reynolds whether his inventory might include firearms that are not allowed to be sold in Massachusetts but that are legal in other U.S. states; after much discussion that issue was left open for further legal research. The Board voted unanimously that the application met each of the multiple requirements for a Use Special Permit, and requested that the Planning department prepare an updated permit document that incorporated the additional requirements in preparation for a final vote.
New/special business
At the June 17, 2024 Select Board meeting, while discussing various Board and Committee appointments, Board member Nicol asked to “hold” the re-appointment of Mr. Sam Bajwa to the Planning Board rather than approve it as part of the consent agenda. Ms. Nicol questioned Mr. Bajwa’s presentation of his own project to the Planning Board, citing provisions in the Volunteer Handbook; and noted irregularities in a rental property owned by Mr. Bajwa. Other Board members agreed with the possible impropriety of self-representation to a Board of which Mr. Bajwa was a member, but also cited town staff’s comments regarding Mr. Bajwa’s diligence and his consistent attendance at Board meetings including remote participation during overseas travel. Mr. Bajwa was re-appointmented by a four to one vote, with Ms. Nicol voting “nay”.
Funding for the McManus Manor housing project again came before the Board in the form of a request by the Acton Housing Authority to waive the permitting fees that the town would ordinarily charge; although an exact amount that the waiver would cost the town could not be known in advance, $300,000 was a “ball-park” estimate. Board member Nicol reminded the meeting of the cost to the taxpayers of the recent override, and the support the Town has already made to the project. With characteristic humor, Board member Jim Snyder-Grant proposed a compromise figure of $100,000 in fee waivers (“a six-digit number – it’s got a lot of zeros”), and that amount was approved by the Board by a four to zero vote, with Ms. Nicol abstaining.
In other financial updates, Board member Nicol reported that the expiring Health Insurance Trust requested a $2 million payment from the Acton-Boxborough School District and the Town, the Town’s share being $451,000, and that these remaining costs were not unexpected. Town Manager John Mangiaratti added that the transfer payments that were approved at the May 2024 Town Meeting would cover at least some of that invoice and that there was a reasonable expectation of decreased future costs.
Briefly noted:
Mss. Kim Kastens and Franny Osman regaled the Board with the brief history of this publication, the Acton Exchange, and the Board approved the adoption, after minor changes, of its Fiscal Year 2025 goals, which they had chosen at a special Select Board meeting on July 2.
Tom Beals is the Select Board beat reporter for the Acton Exchange.