Opening remarks: Opening a mercifully shorter March 3, 2025 Select Board meeting, Town Manager John Mangiaratti noted construction work in the Town Hall lobby where the Isaac Davis plow case is being rebuilt, and demolition work of the 1970s addition at the adjacent 17 Woodbury Lane Asa Parlin house. Mr. Mangiaratti mentioned an Economic Development Survey, [see article in this issue of the Acton Exchange] and said the Fire Department deployment pilot project was going well, despite challenges, and that a survey on Fire Department services would launch soon.
Naming of 53 River Street Park: With construction of the park at the site of the 53 River Street dam removal project nearing completion, the Board resumed discussion of a name for the park. The site had been the location of what in modern terms would be called a cloth recycling facility, but in its time was called a “Shoddy Mill”. A very readable inventory of the area that contains a brief history, illustrations, and photographs was contributed to the Board’s meeting materials by Ms. Anne Forbes, who was present at the meeting and addressed the Board. (Iron Works Farm has a video tour of the Shoddy Mill area.) The name “Textile Mill Park” was suggested in a 2023 letter from the 53 River Street Master Plan Committee, rejecting the name “Shoddy Mill Park” for the negative connotation of “shoddy”.
The park’s completion was delayed while contaminated soil was trucked away but is expected to be completed within the year, prompting the Board’s resumption of name selection. Board member Alissa Nicol suggested the educational value of “Shoddy” both for prompting curiosity and for historical specificity. After much discussion, Board member David Martin agreed to organize an effort to solicit names from the public.
Department of Public Works (DPW) Building – this reporter’s brief summary version.
The Select Board: Here are all the reasons we need a new DPW building.
Finance Committee (FinCom): It costs too much. We hear your reasons. Find a cheaper solution.
Select Board: We may not reach agreement with FinCom. The voters will take the next steps, at the election and at Town Meeting.
At the present meeting, the Board reviewed recent discussions with the FinCom. A suggestion to delay a Town Meeting vote was heard, but no Board members favored a delay. Project Updates are on the Town website.
Briefly noted:
- Kristen Caouette, an Acton town employee since 2007, was appointed Town Accountant.
- Mr. Mangiaratti described the nomination process for the Faulkner Award for Exemplary Volunteer Service.
- The Board approved issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Town properties at 3 and 13 School Street.
- The Board reviewed and updated the assignment of Town Meeting Warrant articles to Board members.
- Held from consent items: Board members Dean Charter and David Martin expressed surprise at seeing a Letter of Support for the Safe Communities Act (mentioned at last week’s Board meeting) on the Consent calendar; the Board agreed to take no action at the present meeting and to return to the matter in the future.
- An Intermunicipal (Acton, Concord, Lincoln, Maynard) agreement “…for the establishment of a coordinated automated on-demand bike share system” was held from consent items for a brief discussion of bike pickup point locations. A grant (“…WHEREAS, the Towns have been awarded $187,450 in grant funding…”) will cover some costs.
Tom Beals is Select Board beat reporter for the Acton Exchange.