Acton will hold a Special Town Meeting on Monday, Nov. 25, starting at 6 p.m.. Any voter registered in Acton can attend.
The meeting will be at the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Auditorium on 36 Charter Road.
Check In starts at 5:15 p.m. in the cafeteria area.
The impetus for this meeting is that, to take advantage of a $500,000 grant, the Town must decide on Article 1, which authorizes acquiring property on Wetherbee Street before the end of this year. Since a Town Meeting is needed, the Select Board added several other warrant articles.
- Article 1: Authorize Acquisition of Property Located at 19 and 35 Wetherbee Street
- Article 2: Authorize Collective Bargaining Agreement – Public Safety Dispatch
- Article 3: Authorize Collective Bargaining Agreement – Facilities, Cemetery, Public Works
- Article 4: Purchase of Replacement of Ambulance
- Article 5: Veterans Tax Exemption Annual Cost of Living Increase
The Special Town Meeting Warrant is available from the Town of Acton website.