In collaboration with a local company called Pumpkin Guts Productions, Acton’s Recreation Department hosted three events this past month at NARA Park. The inaugural “Nightmare at NARA: Haunted Trail Walk in the Park” ran every Friday and Saturday in October (weather permitting). The event relied on 37 volunteers from the community, ranging in age from 12 to 80. A kid friendly “No Scare” event for young trick-or-treaters, without the scare actors and jump scares, was held on October 28. Finally, “Monsterbash,” a DJ’d dance party with costume contest, games and snacks, continued this year at NARA, on October 20. More than 1,000 people attended all of these Halloween events. If you didn’t have a chance to experience the spooks, don’t worry; the Recreation Department plans to bring back these events in 2024!
Melissa Settipani-Rufo is Acton’s Recreation Director.