Acton Exchange

Cover of Clegg and Kennedy’s book on local journalism.

On Local News: Silver Unicorn Bookstore Event

March 6, 2024
A standing-room-only crowd of more than forty was packed into The Silver Unicorn Bookstore for “Community News Night” on the evening of Friday, March 1. In partnership with this publication, Acton Exchange, the small indy bookseller in West Acton hosted veteran journalists Ellen Clegg and Dan Kennedy to discuss…

Welcome to the Acton Exchange Website

November 1, 2023
This is the ‘beta’ test site for the internet home of the Acton Exchange. The site has been developed, discussed, and shared within the core group, and we are pleased and relieved to share it with a wider audience. Our writers and web developers are Acton-based volunteers. The…
Screenshot of Acton Exchange Mission Statement

Weigh in on what should be in an Acton newspaper

May 15, 2023
There is an effort afoot to launch a new, weekly, non-partisan, non-profit newspaper in Acton. This effort began with members of the Acton-area League of Women Voters (AALWV), who participated in a statewide LWV project on the decline of local journalism. They learned of research documenting that when…


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