This year, Acton’s town election day is April 30. At this election, registered voters choose members of town boards and committees and vote on whether the town can bring a tax override to Town Meeting on May 6.
Be aware of the following important dates:
- Wed April 17 – Special town meeting, more information below
- Fri, Apr 19 – Voter registration deadline for annual election and Town Meeting
- Tue, Apr 23 – Deadline to register for Vote by Mail
- Tue, Apr 30 – Town election. All precincts vote at the R.J. Grey gymnasium between 7am and 8pm.
- Mon, May 6 – Town Meeting – The warrant–that is, the articles that will be voted on at Town Meeting–will be mailed to every home in Acton and will be available from the Town of Acton Town Meeting website soon.
At Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, voters will discuss and vote on the following non-binding resolution:
“We urge Town leaders, before recommending any major zoning proposal, to perform [and release for public review] detailed impact studies, which examine the maximum impact of such a proposed zoning proposal.”
The Acton Exchange will publish information on the candidates and the tax override question in the coming weeks.
Miriam Lezak is an editor with the Acton Exchange.