Updated Again, Important Dates for Town Election and Town Meetings

April 27, 2024
Red, white, and blue Vote Tuesday sign to remind people to vote.
The League of Women Voters puts out voting reminder signs before every election. Photo: Greg Jarboe

The town election is coming up on April 30, followed by the Annual Town Meeting, which begins on Monday, May 6 and continues on Tuesday, May 7. At the Annual Town Meeting, the town will vote on town and school budgets, zoning changes, and other important issues. If voters approve the override at the polls on April 30, Town Meeting will vote to approve the “A” budget; if the override is rejected on April 30, the budget considered at Town Meeting will be the “B” budget. While Town Meeting is expected to take two evenings this year, the budget votes will be held on the first night (Monday).

If you are already registered to vote, you can vote absentee at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall during office hours. The last day and time for walk-in absentee voting is Monday, April 29 at noon. 

If you need transportation to and from Town Meeting, or have kids (ages 4 and up), both transportation and babysitting are available. You can find more information on pages 6 and 7 of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant

Coming up

  • Mon, April 29 at noon – Last time for walk-in absentee voting. For walk-in voting, go to the Clerk’s office in Town Hall.
  • Tue, April 30 – Town election. All precincts vote at the R.J. Grey Jr. High between 7 am and 8 pm.
  • Tue, April 30 at 8 pm – All mail-in ballots must be in the Town Clerk’s office.
  • Mon, May 6 – Tues, May 7 Town Meeting – The Warrant–that is, the articles that will be voted on at Annual Town Meeting as well as messages from the Town Moderator, Town Manager, and Finance Committee–is mailed to every home in Acton and is also available at the Town of Acton Town Meeting website. 
  • Video presentations about specific articles are now available at ActonTV as well as other related discussions that have been recorded, such as Java with John. Marc Duci, ActonTV Executive Director, has provided a playlist for the warrant articles.

Past dates

  • Wed, April 3 was the Voter registration deadline for Special Town Meeting.
  • Wed, April 10 was School Committee Candidate Forum, Town Hall Room 204, 7:00 pm. The candidate forum recording is available at ActonTV.
  • Thurs, April 11 was the Override Forum at Acton Memorial Library Conference Room. The override forum recording is available at ActonTV.
  • Wed, April 17 was a Special Town Meeting. Elsewhere in the Acton Exchange, we report on this meeting. The meeting recording is available at ActonTV.
  • Fri, April 19 was the Voter registration deadline for Town Election and Annual Town Meeting.
  • Tue, April 23 was the deadline to register for Vote by Mail.

Miriam Lezak and Franny Osman are volunteer editors at the Acton Exchange.

CORRECTION:  The first published version of this article gave the last day for walk-in voting at the Town Clerk’s office as Friday;  however, the correct day is Monday, April 29.  The article has been corrected.


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