A crowd gathered on the Acton Town Common Saturday morning, November 11 at 11:00 AM to observe the 2023 Veterans Day. Organized by the Veterans Services Office and Celebrations and Ceremonies Committee, the observance opened with a welcome and invocation by Gail Sawyer, Deputy Director-Emergency Management. Town Manager John Mangiaratti led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and read Governor Healey’s Veterans Day proclamation. Members of the Acton Minutemen, led by Captain Steve Crosby, engaged in a three volley salute facing the Isaac Davis Monument, and also coordinated the Flag Presentation, a detailed history of each of 10 banners under which Acton soldiers have served from the American Revolution to the present. Select Board Chair Jim Snyder-Grant offered remarks, and then introduced this year’s Guest Speaker, Lt. Col. Tim Sullivan, a Veteran and POW of the Vietnam War. Sawyer offered a benediction to conclude the event.